Living Surrendered, Growing In Likeness Of Jesus, & Making More Disciples

Each week we provide different enviroments to help believers grow into our mission of becoming disciple makers.

Sunday Worship
Start your week in surrender to the Lord Jesus. Every Sunday we meet together yielding our time, focus, and energy for God's purpose. We share in community worship, the teaching of God's word, and a weekly reminder of the cross in communion.
LIFE Groups
Each week we have smaller groups meeting in homes helping one another grow more in the likeness of Jesus. Groups spend time digging deeper into the message of the week in group discussion and praying over life's ups and downs.
Core Groups
Core groups are our smallest groups. 3-4 people of the same gender. This is the best environment to be discipled and make disciples who make disciples. Core groups meet weekly in a guided workbook equiping followers of Jesus in discipleship.